Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Locking Transaction from SM01 ??

This for all SAP-Basis experienced people,
Try to log into any of the SAP Insatance ,

go to SM01->Lock the Transaction SU01.

Come out of SM01 and try to access it ,

it says SU01 is locked by the Administrator but check it through PFCG.

Go to PFCG and in the command line just type in SU01 without /nSU01 u will see
the user maintainence Screen when already the Transaction is locked
through SM01 can anyone tell me y is it So ?????

Please do let me know why is this Happening as we cannot access
from the command line but if u have the access to PFCG then u can access SU01 y is it so ??????


I hope that PFCG Object is a role creation activity,
where the object has rights over all the transactions even its locked.

If we check whether PFCG Objects has such rights, would be find i think.

Revert if you get a solution.

MMC start Error

At MMC start i am getting below error
cannot connect to sapservice on host.the service did not start due to logon failure. ????

Ans )

1. Check your developer traces you can also start SAP System by using this command Startsap instanceno

2. Check the dev_w0 log in \usr\sap\sid\dvebmgsinstanceno\dev_wo


Please check the following
1.Specify host name in host entry.win\system32\drivers\etc\host
2.Check \usr\sap\\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_disp,
3.Check \usr\sap\\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_ms
4.Check \usr\sap\\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_w0
5.Execute r3trans -d to check whether your DB is Connected
6.Check alrt.log in saptrace\background directory
7.Check the listener status by using lsnrctl>status and start the listener
8.Try to ping to your server
9.start your system with MMC.

Creating Object Key

How to create a object key if it is a SAP Object ??

Ans )

1. SAP Marketplace -> Keys & Requests -> SSCR Keys -> Registration _> register object

2. This is standard SAP object that is the reason why object key is being asked.
You can create it in the SAP marketplace using OSS id pertaining to your installation.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Monday, November 13, 2006

Try Sap Tcodes :

1. Tcode : [USMM ] transaction --> user clasification--> users with SSCR keys and valid users

2. Tcode : [S_BCE_68001395] transaction -- >

Shows list of users that has the SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW authorisation profile assigned to it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

1. Who is Linus Torvalds?
He wrote the Linux kernel. If you don't know that, why are you reading this?
2. What does he look like?

It is Copyright 1999 by Gary Wagner. He has since had laser eye surgery and no longer wears glasses.

3. Where is Linus from?
Finland. He grew up in Helsinki (the capital of Finland and its largest city). He wrote the Linux kernel while a student at Helsinki University.

4. When was he born?
December 28th 1969.
5. If Linus is Finnish, why is his birth language Swedish?
Finland has a significant (about 6%) Swedish-speaking minority population. They call themselves finlandssvensk or finlandssvenskar and consider themselves Finns; many of their families have lived in Finland for centuries. Swedish is one of Finland's two official languages.
6. Where does Linus live?
He's now resident in Portland, Oregon, having moved to the U.S. from Helsinki in early 1997. He lived in Santa Clara and San Jose before going to work for OSDL

AIX Process To Add A NEW User


Solaris is an Unix operating system of the company Sun Microsystems.

History and versions

First Sun SunOS, a BSD Unixvariant, developed which was extended in the course of the years by many characteristics by system V. 1982 appeared the version 1.0 of this operating system for at that time still the Sun1 and Sun2-Rechner based on Motorola 68010. The Sun4-Baureihe with SPARC Prozessorarchitektur, developed later by Sun, made SunOS further popular, and finally SunOS 4.1.1_U1 was last official release, which supported still computers of the Sun3-Baureihe with Motorola 68000er. The last SunOS-4-Version of 1995 was 4.1.4 and brought apart from error clearing still support for the machines with MicroSPARC processor.
The not very successful series Sun386 with Intel processors were supported by SunOS in the versions 4.0.1 to 4.0.3. With version 4.1.2 support for the multi-processor enterprise (asymmetrical) was introduced.

The version 5 of SunOS was again developed on basis by system V release 4, after Sun had become partner of Unix international. It was bundled with the graphic user surface CDE and Java and marketed starting from 1992 as `operating Environment' Solaris 2.x. It was from the outset SMP able.

The early versions of Solaris, which were based still on SunOS version 4, were nummeriert in later years than version 1.x. After version 2.6 the “2 became.” omitted: In the year 2004 the current version is 10 (SunOS 5,10), which one can download since February 2005 free of charge with Sun.

Functions and characteristics

Since the version Solaris 7 (SunOS 5,7) offers Solaris on UltraSPARC CCUs a constant 64-Bit-Unterstützung. Solaris is available also in a x86er-Prozessor-Version, whatever offers since version 10 64-Bit-Unterstützung for AMD64-CPUs. The Solaris version for PowerPC was again stopped after first release (Solaris 2.5.1) first.

Since January 2005 exists the OpenSolaris project, that, under the direction of Sun, the source code of Solaris under the Common development and distribution License of the public makes available to a large extent. Under the name OpenSolaris were then released the Sourcen for Kernel, individual modules and libraries on 14 June 2005 as open SOURCE operating system. In the framework its is to appear also a Solaris version for PowerPC, which at present is in the context of the blowing commodity and/or OpenSolaris project in work. At the beginning of of 2006 was communicated by the developers an appropriate Portierung on the Pegasos based CHRP workstation “ODW” by IBM/Freescale/Genesi.


The software under Solaris becomes mainly in the context of a package management with the help of the pkg programs (pkgadd, pkgrm, pkgchk…) administered.
Since Solaris is an Unix operating system, many programs, which e.g. run on other Unix or similar operating systems as Linux, on Solaris can be portiert. Thus makes available for example the Blastwave project with the support of Sun of hundreds of additional software packages for Solaris, which can be brought in with the program pkgadd. Available among other things the graphic surfaces CDE, XFCE, KDE and GNOMES, the Browser Firefox, are the GNU Textutils and other one.

AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)

AIX = (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)
is the proprietäre version of the UNIX operating system of the company IBM.

AIX history

The first version from AIX appeared in the year 1986. AIX was offered to blank, IBM RS/6000, IBM PC power Series, Motorola power stack as well as Apple network server in former times among other things for IBM PS/2, IBM. Current AIX versions support only POWER and power-PC-based hardware of IBM (PSeries and/or RS/6000) and bulletin (Escala).

Since the version 4.3 also the execution of GNU/Linux programs such as GIMP, KDE, supported GNOMES and GCC, in addition, under older versions such as AIX 3.x, 4,1 or 4,2 it was generally possible to translate and use GNU programs at that time. With the current version AIX5L the support is made clear also by L in the name.

AIX (starting from version 5.2L) supports the dynamic Repartitionieren, i.e. that when using LPAR able hardware the current operating system processors, memory and I/O adapters can be added or extracted. A restart is not necessary.
2004 were introduced the version 5.3, on IBM of eServer p5 supported and Virtualisierung and Micropartitionierung are made possible. Further innovations concern SMT support, "workload management" and a new "accounting system". Since this version it is also possible to operate AIX in a logical partition on IBM ISeries beside I5OS and Linux.

AIX characteristics

AIX5L does not offer binary compatibility to Linux (also not to the PPC Linux), but a source text compatibility. GNU /Linux programs can be implemented by native support of the Linux libraries and programming interfaces after unique Rekompilieren as native AIX programs. IBM offers the most popular GNU /Linux programs as before-compiled RPMs for AIX in the "AIX Toolbox for to Linux Applications".

AIX contains an efficient Logical volume manager, JFS and JFS2-Dateisysteme, an integrated Workload manager and many other characteristics, who are offered in other commercial Unix systems rather than liable to pay the costs extensions. The Tool mksysb makes (similarly as make_tape_recovery from the HP-UX package Ignite UX) a comfortable and boatable system safety device possible.

Since AIX 3 the system is administered over the system management interface Tool (SMIT). Instead of directly CLI instructions will enter over a menu controlled surface worked, which generates and implements the appropriate commands with parameters. The actions are logged (smit.log) and the implemented commands additionally geschreiben (smit.script). Thus one can transfer the generated commands to own Skripte.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Background Job/Scheduler

1. What the scheduler can do


Many steps within a job: A job can consist of many steps, each running a different program. Each step waits for the previous step to run before it starts.

Periodic jobs: A job can be scheduled to run every minute, hour, day, week, month, or any other specified time frame.

Dependent jobs: A jobs can be scheduled to wait for another job to finish before it executes.

2. What the scheduler cannot do


Periodic dependent jobs: If you have a job that runs every night and another that depends on it, the dependent job will run the first time, but not again after that.

Continuing a job that has crashed: If a job crashes on step 1, the whole job stops, and there is no way to continue processing.

Re-running from certain job steps: If your job crashes at step 2, there is no facility to re-run, without changing the job and removing step 1 so it does not run again.

Waiting for a Batch Input Session: If you run a job which runs RSBDCSUB, the second step will not wait for the batch input session to process, as it is executing in a separate job.

3. Suggested methods for processing


Using a self-scheduling job: A program can be set up to re-schedule itself in a job after a specified time. This is more flexible than a periodic job.

Jobs that create other jobs: An alternative to dependent jobs, is to run a program in the first job which will create the next job.

Jobs that wait for other jobs: A program can be set up that will wait for a specified job, and runs a batch input session. Use this as a step in your job after a batch input session has run.

4. System messaging


Information and Success messages: Write the message text to the job log. Program and job continues as normal

Error and Abend messages: Write the message text to the job log. Stop the current program from running. Cancel the entire job.

-> any dependent programs must be scheduled in a different job

5. Suggested methods for error handling & reprocessing


If subsequent steps in a job are not dependent on the first one finishing successfully, the first program should be set up to crash using a success message followed by the 'STOP' statement.

* Before every error message, call a routine which notifies the 'Operations Center' of error type, severity, action, etc.

6. Transactions used for Background JOBS:


SM36 - Define Background Jobs

SM37 - Background Jobs Overview

How to define Periodic Jobs


Execute transaction SM36

Define Job name, Job class, Target server

Click on 'START CONDITION' button

Click on 'Date/Time' button

Enter Scheduled start DATE & TIME. Check mark 'Periodic Job' field. Click on 'Period values' button and select 'Hourly' or 'Dialy' or 'Weekly' or 'Monthly' or Other period and SAVE. Go back to main screen.

Click on 'STEPS' button and enter Program name and Variant under box 'ABAP Program'. Click on 'Print Specification' button and enter Printer name under 'Output device' and SAVE

Click on SAVE button until you get message on bottom of the screen that describes 'Job XYZ saved with status: Scheduled'.

Click on 'Job overview' button or execute SM37 transaction.

Select the appropriate 'Job name', 'User name', 'Job Status' & Schedule date under 'Job start condition' and click on 'Execute' button or press F8.

You will now see all your scheduled JOBS.

Procedure explains how to obtain a developer key:

a) Log into OSS.

b) Click on the Registration button and then click the Register Developer button.

c) Select appropriate customer installation.

d) Enter the user ID in the user box,.

e) Click on the Register button.

f) Copy the KEY (by highlighting and using ctrl/c for copy and ctrl/v for paste) and email the user of his key. The ctrl/c, ctrl/v ensures that the complete key is copied since it is a very long number.

g) Click the Cancel button when done or click the Register button to register another developer.

h) Click the green '<- ' to exit.

SAP table with Version and Instance name:

SAP R/3 stores its version, instance name and OS platform in tables!
this is excellent as you can then query the database to get the R/3 version, Instance Name and OS platform as follows:

select * from SAPR3.SVERS ;
select * from

You don't even have to log on to the application to get this info. The above query gives it to you in less than 1 second.


C:\>sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Nov 7 19:16:15 2006

(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.


SQL> show user
USER is ""

SQL> conn system/system

SQL> select * from SAPR3.SVERS;



-------------------- ----------
dev_DEV_00 Windows NT

Locking/Unlocking accounts - Behind the scenes

What goes on behind the scenes? What does the system do to actually set this?

User accounts can be locked/unlocked via SU01 (User Maintenance.)

What goes on behind the scenes? What does the system do to actually set this?

The table USR02 gets updated. The field UFLAG determines if the user account is locked or unlocked. The value "64" indicates that the user account is locked. The value "0" that the user account is unlocked.

Eg :
Table : USR02
Displayed fields: 22 of 33 Fixed columns: 2 List width 0250


100 BOB 81CCFA477B092CA8 00.00.0000 00.00.0000 A 0 0
100 DDIC 83E936FF3B320883 00.00.0000 00.00.0000 A SUPER 0 0
100 MICK ABD33CA1D4378FE2 00.00.0000 00.00.0000 A SUPER 0 0
100 SAPCPIC FC49DBF6F3FDCF36 00.00.0000 00.00.0000 C 0 0
100 SAPUSERTMS 5C6A3F50AFF412F6 00.00.0000 00.00.0000 A SUPER 0 0
100 TEST BA74379A753E51E300.00.000000.00.0000A 2 64

Knowing this, you can then issue an update statement at the database level that locks all users in mass.

Don't lock yourself out, though! Use exceptions for super user accounts in your update statement.

Notice that 4.6b and above have made improvements to this kind of task, making the locking/unlocking a bit easier. However, changing at the database level is much faster and it is just one simple query.

Controlling the SAPGUI New Visual Design

SAPGUI 4.6x introduced the "new visual design" or "enjoySAP" look and feel.

As you know, users can switch back and forth the new visual design or the "light" look and feel. They simply use the "SAP Configuration" applet in Control Panel. However, you the administrator might need to control what they set up on their PCs in order to have a uniform platform.

The Windows registry controls this setting:


By the default, it is set to "On". When the user changes it to the light version using the SAP Configuration icon that is on the desktop or Control Panel, then the registry value changes to "Off".

You can hide the SAP Configuration applet. You can even do this when setting up SAPGUI. You can edit the file SAPSETUP.NID and comment out these two lines:


In SAPGUI 4.6D the line above is number 1,459.

!CreateIconOrLink('SAP Configuration','%WINSYSDIR%\sapfcpl.cpl
','%SAPworkDir%','sapfcpl.cpl,0','Desktop\',' ',cgAsCommon)/TS

In SAPGUI 4.6D the line above is number 1,645.

Getting technical info at the OS level ( disp+work, tp and r3trans )

It is very easy to obtain the patch level of some core

R/3 executables such as: disp+work, tp and r3trans.
Here, I will show you how to do it for R/3 systems running on
Windows 2000 server and ORACLE 8.0.5 environments.

* 1. Go to the command prompt.
* 2. Change to the "run" directory of your SAP instance (cd \usr\sap\\sys\exe\run).
* 3. Run the following three commands:

dsp+work -V | find "patch number"

Eg : Cmd C:\> C:\usr\sap\DEV\sys\exe\run>disp+work -V | find "534"

patch number 534
source id 0.534
( 0.262) Invalid focus memory (note 353496)
( 0.343) Errortrace dytracefocus invalid container (note 353496)
( 0.347) Invalid focus memory 2 (note 353496)
( 0.534) Enqueue traces during transaction reset (II) (note 392873)

2: tp -V | find "patch number"

Eg : C:\usr\sap\DEV\sys\exe\run>tp -V | find "534"
source id 0.534

3: r3trans -V | find "patch number"

C:\usr\sap\DEV\sys\exe\run>r3trans -V | find "534"
source id 0.534
( 0.183) Performance problem during import of TTREEP (note 333534)
( 0.193) Import of table entries with integer key fields (note 333534)
( 0.205) Duplicate key error during import of table with int key (note 333534)

If you want to see all the release information, then do not filter for the patch number.

eg :

C:\usr\sap\DEV\sys\exe\run>disp+work -V

disp+work information

kernel release 46D

DBMS client library OCI_805_SHARE

DBSL shared library version 46D.00

compiled on NT 4.0 1381 Service Pack 5 x86 MS VC++ 12.00

compile time Apr 3 2001 20:26:35

update level 0

patch number 534

source id 0.534

supported environment

database (SAP, table SVERS) 46A

DBMS server ORACLE 8.0.5.*.*
ORACLE 8.0.6.*.*

operating system Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT 5.0
Windows NT 5.1

System build information:

disp+work patch information
( 0.001) Correct cursor preservation (I) (note 307486)
( 0.002) SU53 reports always 'Check on S_TCODE SU53' (note 310513)
( 0.003) PXA: Emergency mode (note 307976)
( 0.004) Correct shortcut handling under EASY ACCESS (note 309791)
( 0.005) POST driver: no set locale (note 310076)
( 0.006) ASSIGN attr+off(len) TO (note 302214)
( 0.007) Contextmenu for tableview cells (note 309755)
( 0.008) Rfc and full screen (note 308383)
( 0.009) Dropdown listbox performance (note 307795)
( 0.010) Correct cursor preservation (II) (note 307486)
( 0.011) Spool-Patch-Collection 26 (note 92482)
( 0.012) Correct cursor preservation (III) (note 307486)
( 0.013) Correct cursor preservation (IV) (note 307486)
( 0.014) Core in dyCheckRadioGroups() (note 308958)
( 0.019) STAT: DB Resonse Time for SQL Server (note 310288)
( 0.021) Rfc authority problem (note 93254)
( 0.024) RFC extended trace information (note 311386)
( 0.027) CALL SCREEN: error 'MISMATCH DYNPRO NAME / CONTENT' (note 310186)
( 0.028) ABAP: OO-Transactions and event LOAD-OF-PROGRAM (note 312244)
( 0.029) Profile 'abap/oo_warn' suppress OO-context errors (note 182767)
( 0.031) Occasional core when reading statistics file (note 313669)
( 0.032) ABAP: unnecessary class-constructor calls (2) (note 213622)
( 0.035) Corrections in errormessage handling (sapdext) (note 312252)
( 0.040) TSTC: transaction is not an oo-transaction (note 315037)
( 0.044) F4 on checkbuttons (note 312258)
( 0.045) Core in moveleft() (note 312418)
( 0.046) Error trace: invalid dynpro dynpabsv.c 3490 (note 314373)
( 0.047) Error trace: memory conflict diagscrol.c (note 313967)
( 0.048) Iterator problem with iXML collections fixed (note 315119)
( 0.050) Invocation of not-implemented methods (note 314064)
( 0.051) Core at dynamic invoke with interface reference (note 314487)
( 0.052) GW: Avoid multiple send (note 314495)
( 0.053) Spool-Patch-Collection 27 (note 92482)
( 0.054) Printing via e-mail (note 311037)
( 0.055) User default time zone from TTZCU-TZONEDEF (note 314300)
( 0.056) Bad batch job statistic (note 315147)
( 0.057) LOOP AT SCREEN: counter field increased (note 314516)
( 0.058) Missing init. in temse (note 314094)
( 0.065) GW: shared block leak with multiple reg programs (note 309969)
( 0.067) RFC: load balancing over SAPRouter (note 316221)
( 0.068) No debugging until login while remote debugging (note 316456)
( 0.069) Open SQL: INTO CORRESPONDING with JOINs (note 315747)
( 0.071) Support 'Windows NT 5.1' (note 316188)
( 0.072) Destroyed dynpro load (note 207817)
( 0.073) Error in spool entry queue (note 316148)
( 0.074) mySAP.com workplace single signon enabling (note 177895)
( 0.075) Sap statistic destroys eye catcher (note 317178)
( 0.076) Syslog messages while printing (note 316630)
( 0.077) Performance optimization for list boxes (note 214806)
( 0.078) Loop in batch input (note 316686)
( 0.080) Loop in batch input 2 (note 316686)
( 0.081) Don't block s-messages in local update processing (note 312252)
( 0.084) Correct error message in conversion exit 'ALPHA' (note 318027)
( 0.085) Destroyed dynpro load (note 207817)
( 0.086) Print from rfc server (note 318692)
( 0.087) Unknown syntax errors after changing the kernel (note 142888)
( 0.088) RFC: error discarding unneeded tables (note 319634)
( 0.089) Sapstartsrv handle service stop and shutdown correctly (note 142100)
( 0.091) GW: Nonblocking connect problems (note 319675)
( 0.092) Tstc: transaction is not an oo-transaction (note 315037)
( 0.093) Coredump with 'INSERT LINES OF ...' (note 142100)
( 0.094) Corrupted cluster item displayed (note 318904)
( 0.096) BDC: Enable input in list screens (note 212569)
( 0.099) Hanging apps after writing core (note 320168)
( 0.102) Syntax warning for literals crossing line boundaries (note 319328)
( 0.103) Generation error at statement 'IF itab IS SUPPLIED' (note 321069)
( 0.105) Spool-Patch-Collection 28 (note 92482)
( 0.109) Several errors within footline (note 312848)
( 0.111) Check dynpro processor state (note 301406)
( 0.112) Memory usage roll area 0+1 (note 322070)
( 0.113) Sapstartsrv: GetProcessList exception, librfc32 delayload (note 142100)

( 0.114) Rfc call and default fontsize data (note 323342)
( 0.115) OBJECTS_NOT_COMPATIBLE with READ TABLE (note 323039)
( 0.116) Random syntax errors (MOVE-CORRESPONDING) (note 207149)
( 0.117) SKIP 1ST SCREEN: ignore GRAPH dynpros (note 317917)
( 0.118) Japanese IXML, table TCP0F (note 301406)
( 0.119) SE30 errors (note 170470)
( 0.121) Correct call of POV modules for comboboxes (note 323141)
( 0.122) Exception in NiExit (note 319675)
( 0.123) GW: No restart during db reconnect (note 321863)
( 0.125) TX variants: correct reset field input (note 325275)
( 0.126) ITS_LOGIN_CHECK_RFC rejected as XXPASS caller (note 324758)
( 0.129) Error message: correct cursor setting (note 318292)
( 0.130) Check dynpro processor state (II) (note 301406)
( 0.131) Correct SET FOCUS CONTROL for NO-PAI (note 322455)
( 0.132) Init tcview components (note 323686)
( 0.133) BDC: No loosing track of data during F4-Help (note 323061)
( 0.136) BDC: Avoid duplicate messages in log (note 324490)
( 0.138) Resize: docking control - dynpro (note 323974)
( 0.139) GW: Secinfo for start of external programs (note 323925)
( 0.140) False error texts for workplace ticket logon (note 325222)
( 0.141) "user locked" for logon attempt at CUA master system (note 325213)
( 0.143) HPL2 driver: unreadable text for green/red (note 323460)
( 0.146) Loop of dispatcher (note 325559)
( 0.148) Spool-Patch-Collection 29 (note 92482)
( 0.149) Control Framework global flush mode (note 316243)
( 0.150) TX variants: correct reset field input (II) (note 325275)
( 0.152) Em detach before process restart (note 326876)
( 0.153) Workplace: multiple logon popup for wingui sessions (note 326604)
( 0.154) ABAP Debugger: Rollback before restart (note 325903)
( 0.156) Conversion X to STRING (note 327086)
( 0.158) Bugfix new-page print on + message (note 107321)
( 0.159) IXML: coredump when parsing empty XML document (note 326888)
( 0.160) Resume in current screen after returning from exit module (note 327803)

( 0.161) SORT: close extract file, if runtime error occurs (note 328691)
( 0.162) Adapt ABAP runtime to new signal handling (note 329091)
( 0.163) BDC: corresponding screen to bsdup-entry in dybimsgi (note 330071)
( 0.164) Stat-file is not deleted in old 4.6 releases (note 329603)
( 0.169) Do not change loopheader during help processing (note 330761)
( 0.171) Disabling GUI in aRFC when called from tRFC (note 329811)
( 0.174) Test dynpro: do not call POV modules (note 332538)
( 0.175) No commit during wait in update task (note 332077)
( 0.176) Printing frames in text mode (note 320792)
( 0.177) Spool-Patch-Collection 30 (note 92482)
( 0.178) TSTC transaction is not an oo-transaction (note 315037)
( 0.179) RFC-Import of deep structures failed (note 333694)
( 0.180) STRING_BAD_REF in control break processing (note 332663)
( 0.181) Increase structure stack (note 332500)
( 0.184) PXA: initialization (note 160875)
( 0.185) PXA_NO_FREE_SPACE (note 147568)
( 0.186) Update task: increase vb2Cnt for update type 5 (note 333878)
( 0.187) Correct handling of empty loop lines (note 334886)
( 0.188) TX variants: correct reset field input (III) (note 325275)
( 0.189) EmHyperContextCreate() => alreday exists (note 334389)
( 0.192) Default cursor: reset cursor offset (note 334951)
( 0.194) Invalid client index of sap gateway (note 333949)
( 0.195) RFC authority check failed (note 93254)
( 0.196) BDC: No loosing track of data after F4-Help (note 323061)
( 0.197) ABAP: optimized dynamic SELECT clauses (note 324772)
( 0.198) Bugfix new-page print on + message (note 107321)
( 0.199) Bugfix displaying printer name after print (note 107321)
( 0.201) Error recovery (in ni datagram) after workprocess-restart (note 335967)

( 0.207) Diag: correct list size (note 337298)
( 0.209) GW: memory block freed twice (note 337957)
( 0.210) Incorrect logon ticket expiration calculation (note 337794)
( 0.218) Errortrace: invalid offset (dybasfield.c 95) (note 337820)
( 0.219) Deactivate LIST TO MEMORY on selection screen (note 313558)
( 0.220) Dbbmng0.c: generic invalidation of shared buffer objects (note 338451)
( 0.221) Itab operations on tableview-controls (note 339270)
( 0.222) GW: RFC attached gui (note 337425)
( 0.223) ASSIGN: set output length accurately (note 338925)
( 0.224) Tabstrip pages and wrong scroll offset (note 339469)
( 0.225) Set pf-status excluding and rollout (note 338954)
( 0.226) Auth problems with 20 characters transactions (note 339913)
( 0.227) Batch input: new algorithm for QID-generation (note 338246)
( 0.229) Inappropriate short dump ZDATE_ILLEGAL_LOCTIME (note 323954)
( 0.230) Print of a list dumps (note 338994)
( 0.231) Archive device (note 339659)
( 0.232) S-messages in CTU-log (note 339302)
( 0.238) Correct trace SET PARAMETER (note 340096)
( 0.240) Print of a list dumps (II) (note 338994)
( 0.242) Start Row Start Column for Dynproresizing (note 351685)
( 0.243) GW: Bad em context handling (note 351526)
( 0.244) SORT AS TEXT: length too short (note 350526)
( 0.245) Get cursor information on pushbutton (note 351890)
( 0.247) ABAP: Slin default check; type I vs. type P (note 351976)
( 0.248) GW: CCMS Monitoring Patch-Collection 1 (note 202591)
( 0.249) Short dump CALL_TRANSACTION_LOCKED (note 350360)
( 0.250) Controls and list processing (note 352065)
( 0.251) Blanks in authorization values (note 207196)
( 0.252) Tableview line/column selection (note 350363)
( 0.253) Spool-Patch-Collection 31 (note 352269)
( 0.254) Decrease and increase for dynpro and window (note 352542)
( 0.255) ABAP Debugger: Avoid DEBUGGER_ILLEGAL_VALUE in RFC-Debug. (note 182989)

( 0.256) Incomplete DATA in D010INC and D010TAB (note 352480)
( 0.257) Diag: warning and resize (note 212524)
( 0.258) Workplace: provide logon ticket for X.509 logon (note 350776)
( 0.260) StartRow StartColumn for Dynproresizing (note 351685)
( 0.261) EmHyperContexts: reduce memory consumption (note 353103)
( 0.262) Invalid focus memory (note 353496)
( 0.263) EmHyperContexts: reduce memory consumption (II) (note 353103)
( 0.266) Slow SetQoS due to unnecessary DNS query (note 180940)
( 0.268) ABAP-Exception-Handling: Internal State-Stack (note 350146)
( 0.269) BDC: no user command allowed on SAPMSYST 0040 (note 163639)
( 0.270) Wrong portability warnings from extended syntax check (note 353681)
( 0.271) Passing EXP-IMP parameters in RFC calls (note 352629)
( 0.272) Spool-Patch-Collection 31a (note 352269)
( 0.273) Modal level and suppress dialog (note 355616)
( 0.274) DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST with very old cluster records (note 353651)
( 0.275) Horizontal radiobutton groups (note 355260)
( 0.276) Proportional cut for variable Dynpro-objects (note 351685)
( 0.277) Hostname resolution blocks processes (note 356788)
( 0.278) Tabstrip pages and wrong scroll offset (note 339469)
( 0.280) Core in DiagiTableHeader (note 159421)
( 0.281) GW: Bad statistic after summer time switch (note 353893)
( 0.283) CPIC-Timeout for frontend printing (note 352269)
( 0.284) List scrollbar and docking control (note 357241)
( 0.285) Sy-SubRc 8 with SELECT SINGLE on logic cluster table (note 355714)
( 0.287) Missing entry in table FIDO (note 357019)
( 0.290) BDC: conversion of old batch-input logfiles (note 356758)
( 0.293) Invalid sapgui data (note 358681)
( 0.294) Reading of ASTAT records fails in 4.6D (note 358532)
( 0.295) ABAP: Loop in function LookForFref (note 357698)
( 0.297) Muliconnect error reporting (note 358171)
( 0.298) RFC: data dependent read error (note 358557)
( 0.300) Protect against 'error in datastream' (note 359511)
( 0.301) Treatment of looplines by loc. horiz. resize (note 212861)
( 0.302) Initial values with DynpValuesUpdate (note 359873)
( 0.303) ABAP: warning for duplicate keys removed (note 359114)
( 0.304) Core dump when calling RfcClose (note 359865)
( 0.306) Suppression of unnecessary syslog messages (note 359523)
( 0.308) System Core Dump with F4-Button in R/3-Dialog(modal) setting (note 2128
( 0.309) Core dump in RFC engine (note 353136)
( 0.311) Start EASY-ACCESS only for dialog sessions (note 360980)
( 0.314) Check if dynpro exists before access it (note 361120)
( 0.315) Optimize concatenate for STRING (note 327185)
( 0.317) New RFC logon method 'external identification' (note 358469)
( 0.319) List scrolling: last line missing (note 362181)
( 0.320) GW: Set locale in update task (note 360971)
( 0.321) SORT: avoid EXSORT_TOO_MANY_PARALLEL_SORTS (note 361532)
( 0.322) Extended syntax check with BETWEEN ... AND (note 361470)
( 0.323) ICMAN fails to open event flags for HTTP connections (note 360696)
( 0.326) Open SQL: improved statement generation for UPTO (note 361392)
( 0.327) Check (ABAP_ASSERT) in ASSIGN to avoid core (note 363059)
( 0.329) Bad NOWP request (note 365156)
( 0.330) ABAP; SCAN STRUCTURE: error in SELECT-ENDSELECT logic (note 363992)
( 0.331) Native SQL: return code for EXECUTE PROCEDURE (note 364707)
( 0.332) Semaphore error in ASTAT (note 363499)
( 0.333) Printing with format LETTER (note 363624)
( 0.334) Problems with missing or short quickinfo (note 363394)
( 0.335) Parameters in macro _splitpathU swapped (note 365337)
( 0.339) Modified length mismatch (note 207817)
( 0.340) Problems with missing or short quickinfo (2) (note 363394)
( 0.341) Errortrace invalid value dybas.c 0179 (note 337820)
( 0.342) Errortrace invalid parameter dynpdiag 1131 (note 337820)
( 0.343) Errortrace dytracefocus invalid container (note 353496)
( 0.346) Spool-Patch-Collection 32 (note 352269)
( 0.347) Invalid focus memory 2 (note 353496)
( 0.348) Prevent duplicate RFC struct parameter transmission (note 365916)
( 0.351) Native SQL: memory leak for stored procedures (note 367509)
( 0.352) Resizing side to side and one below other Dynpro-Objects (note 367811)
( 0.353) Check ztta/dynpro_area (note 167229)
( 0.354) Problems with missing or short quickinfo (3) (note 363394)
( 0.355) GW: Bad NOWP request II (note 365156)
( 0.358) Breakpoint in ABAP Debugger at CONTINUE (note 368433)
( 0.359) Errortrace: should not happen (dycuahlp 1661) (note 369415)
( 0.360) Reactivate suspended clients (note 367384)
( 0.361) Disable persistent trace for RFC-Library (note 364034)
( 0.365) Large file support (note 330992)
( 0.366) IMPORT: avoid IMPORT_INIT_DECOMPRESS_FAILES (note 370053)
( 0.367) BAPI_USER_CHANGE returns wrong/blank error message (note 369761)
( 0.368) ABAP debugger: field display and global TABLES-parameters (note 370103)

( 0.369) ABAP debugger: empty source display (note 370717)
( 0.370) Saplicense: license buffer not initialized (note 371301)
( 0.371) List token in SELECT (note 370587)
( 0.373) GW: Duplicate conversation ids in gateway work processes (note 371481)
( 0.375) Dynamic Type at CREATE DATA (note 371607)
( 0.376) Printing selection page & long transaction (note 370661)
( 0.377) Library iXML: correction of CDATA size problem (note 371846)
( 0.378) DEC field input for none DDIC fields (note 373047)
( 0.379) Spool-Patch-Collection 33 (note 352269)
( 0.380) C-Call ABAP_CALLSTACK (note 371779)
( 0.381) Loop during decompression of corrupted Sources/Loads (note 374200)
( 0.382) Extended table compression for certain RFC connections (note 373452)
( 0.383) SORT: avoid EXSORT_TOO_MANY_PARALLEL_SORTS and recursion (note 361532)
( 0.384) PostScript error with TrueType fonts (note 373604)
( 0.385) XML-Import failed after empty structure tags (note 374447)
( 0.386) Disable QoS support by default (note 180940)
( 0.387) Message display type (note 368333)
( 0.389) DEC field input for none DDIC fields II (note 373047)
( 0.390) Long running report (note 373343)
( 0.391) Illegal request looping in dispatcher (note 373345)
( 0.394) Fix printing selection page & long transaction (note 370661)
( 0.397) Reserve address space for Extended Memory (note 373326)
( 0.399) VALUE /namespace/const (note 371720)
( 0.402) DYNG: get translated buttontexts from D021T (note 363394)
( 0.403) Correct returncode for SET_DYNP_FIELD_VALUE (note 374941)
( 0.404) Refresh control from screen (note 375251)
( 0.406) Receive result of aRFC (note 375356)
( 0.410) Disp+Work doesn't start up (note 376242)
( 0.414) DEC field input for none DDIC fields (note 373047)
( 0.415) Core dump in GenViewGetPbagRudi (note 375055)
( 0.416) DBIF_REPO_PART_NOT_FOUND during Garbage-Collection (note 374884)
( 0.417) Control focus correction (note 374510)
( 0.418) Title problems (note 374560)
( 0.419) Window width > 255 cause list problems (note 375856)
( 0.420) IS REQUESTED/SUPPLIED and RETURNING parameter (note 375329)
( 0.423) DEC field input for none DDIC fields (note 373047)
( 0.424) Core in appl info (note 376906)
( 0.425) Core in DiagIConvert, if trace level 3 (note 377184)
( 0.426) Correction for Spool-Patch-Collection 33 (note 352269)
( 0.429) Change default for cursor preservation (note 378706)
( 0.430) Error trace from dyariftb() (note 378093)
( 0.431) Enqueue table overflow, syslog message corrected (note 378682)
( 0.433) DEC field input for none DDIC fields (note 373047)
( 0.434) Illegal chars set spooljob to error (note 379119)
( 0.435) Debugger: data references and tables of type I (note 378838)
( 0.436) Set DISPLAY AGAIN in TH (note 380164)
( 0.437) Prepare: several mySAP.com components in one DB (note 379572)
( 0.439) Workplace: disable password logon (note 379081)
( 0.445) DiagSetCodepage() failed (note 382240)
( 0.446) Sapstartsrv update available.log on Start/Stop (note 142100)
( 0.447) Ldapreg: ITS LDAP registration (note 379691)
( 0.448) GW: Wp stuck in PRIV mode (note 381870)
( 0.449) Too many invalidations on USRBF2 (note 319727)
( 0.450) Correct static focus on subscreens (note 380809)
( 0.451) Correct HOLD DATA message (note 381528)
( 0.452) Trace DYNP_SET/GET_STATUS (note 381694)
( 0.453) Init screen buffer parameters (note 382032)
( 0.454) No core in dypov_treatDpovtabRow (note 381221)
( 0.455) Server shutdown after bind error (note 382440)
( 0.457) Handling of fatally corrupted cluster records (note 381968)
( 0.466) EXPORT: dynamic export of strings (note 384694)
( 0.467) Message in help: no core dump (note 384639)
( 0.468) Pull up other objects down of table after TABLE_PBO_DONE (note 383033)
( 0.469) Tablecontrol init and context (note 373977)
( 0.470) Correction of the nls locale check tool (note 40815)
( 0.471) GW: Missing aRFC response (note 384015)
( 0.472) GW: Core during write of statistic (note 384433)
( 0.473) Wp stuck in PRIV mode (II) (note 381870)
( 0.474) Shared Pool disturbed corrected (note 384810)
( 0.477) SORT/EXTRACT: large file support (note 384257)
( 0.478) Codepage problem: sap8000 (shift_jis) (note 384947)
( 0.479) Active/Inactive-Handling (note 385628)
( 0.480) Sporadic logon failures in batch processing (note 385894)
( 0.483) GW: Free unallocated memory (note 387747)
( 0.484) SORT/EXTRACT: large file support (II) (note 384257)
( 0.487) Open SQL: several minor errors (note 386783)
( 0.489) RABAX no dbrollback and dbcommit at core (note 386268)
( 0.490) C-call DY_GET_S_MESSAGE available (note 383089)
( 0.491) Correct I message for batch input (note 386661)
( 0.492) Do not skip message popup (note 385147)
( 0.493) Async RFC: set size of full screen (note 385132)
( 0.494) Correct error messages for CALL SUBSCREEN (note 386674)
( 0.495) Logon tickets slightly too long valid (note 387595)
( 0.496) Format error during output of empty strings (note 385796)
( 0.497) RFC: patch collection (46D) (note 387366)
( 0.498) Method calls in arithmetics (note 387066)
( 0.499) Reallocate the number of boxes for resizing (note 388988)
( 0.500) Generate correct forkey selects in dynpro (note 388699)
( 0.501) Destroyed dynpro load (note 207817)
( 0.502) Open a new audit file next day after maxsize event (note 321148)
( 0.503) Delete audit files with extended filenames (SM18) (note 370829)
( 0.504) DiagSetCodepage() failed (note 382240)
( 0.507) Missing arfc response (II) (note 384015)
( 0.508) Generation of very long sources: repeating END_INBUF (note 389041)
( 0.509) Correct hold control framework focus (note 389364)
( 0.510) BDC: F1 or F4-request in bdcdata (note 323061)
( 0.511) Overflow of memory (note 370661)
( 0.512) PARAMETERS referencing a named DDIC include (note 389940)
( 0.515) DB2/390: default dbs/db2/use_hints=abap->1 (note 162034)
( 0.516) Recovery from NI-error after WP-restart (note 335967)
( 0.517) Avoid RFC server timeout (note 390219)
( 0.522) Avoid core in ABAP debugger by bad string references (note 391169)
( 0.523) Keep scrollposition (note 391871)
( 0.524) ABAP debugger: Display header for bad object reference (note 391187)
( 0.530) Enqueue traces during transaction reset (note 392873)
( 0.531) Garbage-Collection beyond 600MB (note 393378)
( 0.534) Enqueue traces during transaction reset (II) (note 392873)

R/3 executable patch information
( 0.235) Allow a secondary connection to an ORACLE database (note 339092)
( 0.241) R/2 to R/3 migr.: accept other sign bytes in BCD numbers (note 339932)
( 0.395) Correct reexecution of SQL statement after ORA-2068 (note 372279)
( 0.437) Prepare: several mySAP.com components in one DB (note 379572)
( 0.462) NLS_LANG must be set in user environment (note 381674)

Now that you know how to do this, you can get creative and write a little script that reads the names of all your SAP servers from a text file and then it runs the three commands listed above. This way, you can get the patch level of all your systems by just running a script. This becomes in handy when you're consulting or putting reports together.