Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Background Job/Scheduler

1. What the scheduler can do


Many steps within a job: A job can consist of many steps, each running a different program. Each step waits for the previous step to run before it starts.

Periodic jobs: A job can be scheduled to run every minute, hour, day, week, month, or any other specified time frame.

Dependent jobs: A jobs can be scheduled to wait for another job to finish before it executes.

2. What the scheduler cannot do


Periodic dependent jobs: If you have a job that runs every night and another that depends on it, the dependent job will run the first time, but not again after that.

Continuing a job that has crashed: If a job crashes on step 1, the whole job stops, and there is no way to continue processing.

Re-running from certain job steps: If your job crashes at step 2, there is no facility to re-run, without changing the job and removing step 1 so it does not run again.

Waiting for a Batch Input Session: If you run a job which runs RSBDCSUB, the second step will not wait for the batch input session to process, as it is executing in a separate job.

3. Suggested methods for processing


Using a self-scheduling job: A program can be set up to re-schedule itself in a job after a specified time. This is more flexible than a periodic job.

Jobs that create other jobs: An alternative to dependent jobs, is to run a program in the first job which will create the next job.

Jobs that wait for other jobs: A program can be set up that will wait for a specified job, and runs a batch input session. Use this as a step in your job after a batch input session has run.

4. System messaging


Information and Success messages: Write the message text to the job log. Program and job continues as normal

Error and Abend messages: Write the message text to the job log. Stop the current program from running. Cancel the entire job.

-> any dependent programs must be scheduled in a different job

5. Suggested methods for error handling & reprocessing


If subsequent steps in a job are not dependent on the first one finishing successfully, the first program should be set up to crash using a success message followed by the 'STOP' statement.

* Before every error message, call a routine which notifies the 'Operations Center' of error type, severity, action, etc.

6. Transactions used for Background JOBS:


SM36 - Define Background Jobs

SM37 - Background Jobs Overview

How to define Periodic Jobs


Execute transaction SM36

Define Job name, Job class, Target server

Click on 'START CONDITION' button

Click on 'Date/Time' button

Enter Scheduled start DATE & TIME. Check mark 'Periodic Job' field. Click on 'Period values' button and select 'Hourly' or 'Dialy' or 'Weekly' or 'Monthly' or Other period and SAVE. Go back to main screen.

Click on 'STEPS' button and enter Program name and Variant under box 'ABAP Program'. Click on 'Print Specification' button and enter Printer name under 'Output device' and SAVE

Click on SAVE button until you get message on bottom of the screen that describes 'Job XYZ saved with status: Scheduled'.

Click on 'Job overview' button or execute SM37 transaction.

Select the appropriate 'Job name', 'User name', 'Job Status' & Schedule date under 'Job start condition' and click on 'Execute' button or press F8.

You will now see all your scheduled JOBS.

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